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Scoresby Tennis Centre, Stud Road, Scoresby.
PO BOX 9120, Scoresby. 3179     

Wantirna SouthTennis Club
ABOUT US Scoresby Tennis Club Wantirna South Tennis Club

Wantirna South Tennis Club;

Wantirna South Tennis Club was established in 1954.

The original courts situated at the front of Wantirna South Football Club and still remain there today.

During the 60's the club was relocated to the rear of the football club, where a club house was erected and three courts were built.

As the club thrived during the 60's through to the 80's, three more courts were built.

The club enjoyed a rapid rise in membership during this time peaking at around 450 members.
Through the 90's and into the new century, there was a stead decline in member numbers and the club struggled to survive.

Hence in 2014 after long negotiations, it was decided to merge with the Scoresby Tennis Club.